Working with the community to revive the Hope

North Arm Cove Initiative in news

A block of land called Hope: The fight to revive Walter Burley Griffin’s lost city

Today the outline of the subdivision from 1918 can be seen in satellite photos. “It looks like a lost Mayan city,” says architect Tatjana Djuric-Simovic. “It looks like a subdivision that is not a grid, that follows the topography, but there are no houses.”

Djuric-Simovic, a planner, and her husband, Dejan Simovic of Sydney’s DESIM architecture firm were commended at a conference in Britain last year for “Back to the Future” – a proposal to finally bring Walter Burley Griffin’s dream of Port Stephens City to life.

Projects that we have dealt with range in size from simple house extensions, alterations and additions, small subdivisions, to plans for suburbs, regional towns and metropolitan strategies.

Tell us what your problem is, and we can advise on tailor made solutions. Our team and our extensive network of specialists would ensure your satisfaction.

Like always, sustainability is at the heart of our approach, together with affordability.



DESIM assisted the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC) in the process of assurance of Greater Sydney Region council Local Strategic Planning Statements in 2019 - 20.

Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets out the 20-year vision for a local government area, demonstrates how change will be managed and identifies local priorities for updating council Local Environmental Plans (LEP).



DESIM assisted in the production of the GSC Pulse 2020.

The Pulse of Greater Sydney 2020 builds and expands on the first report produced in 2019 to measure the implementation of the Greater Sydney Region Plan, A Metropolis of Three Cities, and five district plans.

Development Applications

  • Obtaining planning approvals from councils (Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) Report and Heritage Impact Statements)

  • Objection letters to proposed development for neighbouring properties

  • Planning proposals and land use re-zonings application

Advice and Research

  • Interpretation of the NSW planning system and legal planning framework
  • Development of planning policy, and research
  • Site investigation, development, and due diligence advice

Statutory Planning

Development of statutory and non-statutory planning instruments

  • Strategic planning instruments (regional and district plans, Local Strategic Planning Statements)
  • Environmental planning instruments ( State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs), Local environmental Planning Policies (LEPs) or development control plans)

Master Planning & Urban Design

  • Master planning and urban design principles (maximum height of building and floor space ratio, setbacks, active frontages, landscape, etc)

Project Management

  • Project management throughout the entire planning process, including preparation of project briefs, managing sub-consultants, advising on issues and managing budgets.