
High Performance Design - Passive House

Passive House is standard for achieving high performance buildings, in terms of energy efficiency, low carbon emissions, excellent hygiene (no condensation, mold, dust, pollen), constant comfort (temperature and humidity).

Standard can be applied on any kind of building. It is based on designing and controlling science of building physics. Calculations are based on specific local environment and design is individually tailored.

Standard involves specific calculations, design documentation criteria and quality control and testing through all stages of construction.


Adaptation to Changing Climate

We have no doubt that climate is changing. Equally we have no doubt that effects of change differ from region to region. We research these changes and provide risk assessment and develop strategies to accommodate changes. These strategies, in our view, need to be appropriate for local natural and social environment. We can also develop individual plans and implement projects to address agreed strategies.


Smart stuff

Expectation is that next generation of innovations is going to affect human lives more than all innovations so far in human history.

We believe that risks for various communities, social categories and our natural environment have to be adequately assessed so that opportunities for progress are identified and used in optimal manner. Mistakes could be catastrophic.