World will have to be re-designed in coming times.
Lets do it properly this time.
What is performance in architecture? For me, it was always about finding the balance between various efficiencies and flexibility in uses:
Efficiency and flexibility in use of resources like
Efficiency and flexibility in communication
With Clients
With membranes of project team
With contractors/builders
With employees/colleagues
With authorities
Efficiency in amenity and affordability
optimizing amenity to budget
optimizing performance to budget
taking in account whole of the lifetime of the project
providing flexibility for the change of use through time
optimizing performance and minimizing environmental impact
Efficiency and flexibility in planing, anticipation, contemplation
Efficient and flexible use of space in our cities (and other places humans inhabit)
Efficient use of infrastructure and investment
Efficiencies and flexibility in communication with stakeholders
Optimizing benefits while minimizing impact on environment
In few weeks, May 18th, will be 30 years since my graduation. Being involved in profession even before that through my father’s practice and high school study for architectural technician, and practicing on three continents, I could say that I have pretty good idea of where architectural profession is. And I can vouch that it has lost its way since the time when architects were head/chief (arkhi) builders (tekton).
Nowadays, our “designs” are meant for being presented, shown off, through various mediums and being awarded by peers, but not necessarily being built and used buy our clients and communities.
One aspect where I couldn’t master efficiency is Care. Care for Client. Care for Community. Care for Climate and Nature.